Counter-Drone Radar

Detect, Track & Classify All Airspace Movement

Inexpensive to acquire, easy to operate, simple to hack, and straightforward to build, drones challenge current compliance frameworks, surveillance systems, and legislative control of the airspace. No matter how well-constructed the barriers or the density of fixed cameras, drones are easy to make invisible to nearly all terrestrial surveillance sensors.

Radar is the only sensor that detects and tracks all airspace movement, but most radars were not designed for the drone threat. Echodyne’s low-SWaP MESA® radars provide the technology edge for superior airspace situational awareness.

Counter drone radar

Radar is the Information Advantage

Situational awareness is the goal. Drones in the airspace are the problem. Radar is essential for a multi-layered solution but is absolutely critical if the threat is dark drones without RF signals. When the threat is intelligence and reconnaissance, Echodyne radars detect the propeller spin of hovering drones and directs security personnel to the exact location. Radar data is the foundation for airspace situational awareness.

Already in use across every U.S. federal agency, Echodyne radars are the primary sensor in dozens of multi-layered counter-drone solutions. With on-the-move capabilities to extend field operations, MESA radars create an information advantage in counter-drone operations.

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Counter-Drone Radar Solutions


Short-Range Counter-Drone Radar

The short-range market leader for portability and performance, EchoGuard detects and tracks small UAS with the accuracy that locks optical, informs the operator, and targets mitigation efforts.


EchoGuard for Counter-drone


Medium-Range Counter-Drone Radar

The new name in airspace situational awareness, EchoShield provides the most accurate and detailed situational awareness data in the industry to upstream fusion, C2s, and operators.


EchoShield counter-drone radar

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