Improve perimeter security resilience with radar.


Electric substations have new threats.

Historically, utility substations have been a target for theft. Now, cheap, fast-moving drones in the hands of bad actors pose a new threat – disrupting site operations and safety which can have a detrimental impact to communities at large. Conventional perimeter intrusion detection systems and resource constraints leave sites vulnerable.

Electric substations face new drone threats

Close PIDS gaps with radar.

As bad actors exploit technology to subvert conventional detection systems, new technology is required. MESA® radar is the right technology at the right time. MESA radar detects all moving objects - including drones and dark drones - and integrates with other sensors and systems to reduce false alarms, inform prioritization of security resources, and deliver long-term ROI.


MESA radar improves perimeter protection:

  • Track targets with higher precision than other sensors

  • Detect threats 24/7, regardless of lighting or weather conditions

  • Enhance perimeter security with drone and dark drone detection and classification

  • High-fidelity data boosts effectiveness of other sensors and systems, including optical and RF

  • Integrate with existing C2 and VMS for alerting and slew-to-cue

  • Reduce false alarms

  • Improve operational efficiency



Strengthen the Perimeter with Radar

Utilities Perimeter Security Resources


Protecting Infrastructure from Drones



Threat of Dark Drones



Product Brochure
MESA Radar for Critical Infrastructure


Keep Exploring

Drone Detection 

Multi-million-dollar drone detection systems at the most secure facilities have gaps. Deploying radar for critical infrastructure drone detection delivers actionable, high-fidelity data when threats are at a distance. Identifying threats sooner means more reaction time and better outcomes.

3D Security

Many critical infrastructure protection systems include ground surveillance radar. However, the threat landscape is changing. Using three-dimensional (3D) radar for enhanced perimeter security improves situational awareness by providing high-fidelity data of both ground and air threats.