The threat landscape at prisons is changing.
Cheap, fast-moving drones give criminals an efficient way of smuggling contraband into prisons. Now, off-the-shelf drones carry payloads as large as 20 lbs., under the cover of night and over prison walls and nets. More insidious are dark drones - those invisible to conventional RF-based drone detection solutions.
Close perimeter security gaps with radar.
As criminals find more creative ways to subvert conventional perimeter intrusion detection methods, new technology is required that reduces false alarms and closes security gaps at correctional sites. MESA® radar is the right technology at the right time – military grade and commercially priced. MESA radar detects everything that moves, 24/7 and integrates with other sensors and systems to deliver long-term ROI even as criminals evolve their trespass approach.
MESA radar improves situational awareness:
Prioritize drone detection and classification
Unique design tracks more targets with higher precision
High-fidelity data boosts effectiveness of other sensors and systems, including optical and RF
Integrate with existing C2 and VMS for alerting and slew-to-cue
Reduce false alarms
Improve operational efficiency
Stronger perimeter security with drone detection radar.
Corrections Perimeter Security Articles
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Drone Detection
Multi-million-dollar drone detection systems at the most secure facilities have gaps. Deploying radar for critical infrastructure drone detection delivers actionable, high-fidelity data when threats are at a distance. Identifying threats sooner means more reaction time and better outcomes.
3D Security
Many critical infrastructure protection systems include ground surveillance radar. However, the threat landscape is changing. Using three-dimensional (3D) radar for enhanced perimeter security improves situational awareness by providing high-fidelity data of both ground and air threats.