Counter-UAS Radar








Counter-UAS (C-UAS) requires an accurate picture of the operating area. Small UAS are enemy ISR platforms and a threat to warfighters and logistics. Group 3 and larger UAS represent increased lethality and enhanced EW and ISR capabilities.

As commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, Echodyne radars achieve optimal threat symmetry – a low-cost solution for a low-cost threat – and provide high-performance situational awareness for fixed, temporary, on-the-halt (OTH), and on-the-move (OTM) requirements. Echodyne radars’ high-speed 4D accuracy delivers flawless optical tracking for “eyes on object” and reliable precision for targeting systems and non-kinetic effectors.

Data fidelity makes all the difference to mission success. More accurate data rapidly ingested creates better systems and safer outcomes. With both processed and unprocessed data options, Echodyne radars generate the most accurate data for detecting, tracking, targeting, and mitigating UAS intruders.

Program Enhancement for C-UAS

Remote Weapons Stations (RWS)

Innovations in weapons and munitions combined with precise intruder tracking and targeting data from Echodyne radar on mobile sensor and mitigation platforms creates effective and cost-efficient weapons systems for countering drone threats. With thousands of RWSs already deployed by ground forces around the world, RWS require only modest upgrades to become highly efficient C-UAS systems.

Learn how counter-UAS capabilities are extended to RWS platforms.

EchoGaurd Counter-UAS Radar
EchoShield Counter-UAS Radar
Program Enhancement for C-UAS

Very / Maneuver / Short-Range Air Defense (V/M/SHORAD)

Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD) programs focus on lower altitudes where drones operate. Originally conceived as an anti-aircraft platform focused on crewed aircraft, enhancements to SHORAD platforms extend mitigation capabilities to the lower drone airspace. A layered system of sensors and effectors, SHORAD performance is improved through data accuracy, and there is not a more accurate radar available than an Echodyne MESA radar. For Maneuver SHORAD (M-SHORAD) programs, EchoShield's on-the-move (OTM) capabilities deliver the range and accuracy to ensure mobile force protection. 

Learn more C-UAS capabilities for SHORAD programs.

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Counter-UAS Radar Solutions


Short-Range C-UAS Radar

With a definition of highly accurate sUAS tracking at 1.5 km distance, EchoGuard accurately detects, tracks, classifies, and cues optical sensors for identification, and precisely targets intruding drones across a large field of view to generate the most accurate data set in the short-range radar class. Learn why EchoGuard has been integrated by dozens of counter-UAS solutions around the world.

EchoGuard for C-UAS


Medium-Range C-UAS Radar

With a definition of highly accurate Group 3 UAS tracking at <20 km, EchoShield offers unrivaled performance in the medium range class. With angular accuracy exceeding 0.5° in both azimuth and elevation, no radar generates data with greater precision. Accurate, fast radar data maintains a visual lock on the intruder and directs effectors for precise mitigation. EchoShield’s on-the-move capabilities extend performance to coordinated mobile platforms of force protection. Learn why EchoShield is the new standard for counter-UAS data fidelity.

EchoShield for C-UAS

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